Friday, May 16, 2008

Gay Marriage

Liberals believe in gay marraige. They believe that gay people are just like everyone else and they can't be denied a human right to marriage just because they are gay. They believe that it's discrimination to deny gay people the right to marriage, and it is going against the separation of church and state because not everyone believes in the Bible. They believe marriage is based on love and it doesn't matter who it is between. On the other hand, conservatives believe that the point of marriage is procreation and that the Bible states that marriage is between a man and a woman. Some think that being gay is a hate crime against the Bible. They think gay marraige is being promiscuous and that it changes the image of a traditional American family. They think it's bad for a child to be raised by two parents of the same gender.
I support gay marriage. I think that marriage is based on love, and who are we to deny a marriage to our fellow Americans just because they love someone of the same sex. I think marriage is a human right that should be available to everyone. I do not believe that the function of marriage today is procreation. There are lots of single parents and children born out of wedlock and I do not believe it is bad for a child to be raised by two parents of the same gender. I think we need families like that so that people become more aware and tolerant. I don't think people should be defined by their sexuality in general. I think the struggle for gay marriage is similar to the struggle of blacks during the Civil Rights Movement. People don't choose to be gay- they are born that way, and it is uncontrollable, just like one's skin color. I think it's ridiculous that just because the Bible states that marriage is between a man and a woman that legislation reflects this for everyone who doesn't neccessarily believe in the Bible. I think the world is changing and people are becoming more accepting.

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